You could say he stole her heart. You'd probably be correct
You could say he stole her heart. You'd probably be correct
Well, doesn't this remind me of a certain someone who's initials happen to be CBT
I do like purple. Especially on some cosmic cyberpunk-rabbit thing
And of course the peace cleric is one of the most destructively-capable creatures you can pick
Business-casual, no less
If he ever awakens to wreak havok and woe upon the land, his arm is going to be sore as hell
What was the line?
"I'll have a bowl of ramen and a mop"?
Not to start something, but I haven't heard that clown make one joke all series
The environment is nice, no neglecting it, but I'm here for that BENCH. Man, that thing is geometric, I mean really, and the metalwork on it, too. Love that bench
Thank you!
The watercolor effect adds a lot to the whimsy, making it almost Calvin-&-Hobbes-like
Thanks mate! I appreciate that immensely!
I'd like to solve the puzzle
Get holly
get jolly
get run over by a trolley
Living-Dead Migraine
Joined on 11/19/20