Digital waters? Most interesting. The light effect you've created is exquisite, to say nothing of how you've made images out of almost nonsensical shapes.
Digital waters? Most interesting. The light effect you've created is exquisite, to say nothing of how you've made images out of almost nonsensical shapes.
First I paint it with classic marker brush, and then use couple filter tricks here and there, I'm developing this style, so it varies a bit..
Let's say, hypothetically, that I've never seen an anime and that this only reminds me of Queen...
Christmas cheer at twelve gigahertz
If I order a penguin, do they give me the deliverer?
What do you think is inside the present?
Ach, no! Where are his arms???
Peter is about to Dedede down-tilt out of the way
Here we only have one rule...:
E V E R.
Doctor Strange?
Angry Tarboy monkey
Get holly
get jolly
get run over by a trolley
Living-Dead Migraine
Joined on 11/19/20