Man, let's just get the entire David Firth cast in here. I need to main Alan
Man, let's just get the entire David Firth cast in here. I need to main Alan
I could go for an excessively dramatic fight scene or nine right about now. I'll have to check it out. If this is anything to go by, I don't think I'll be disappointed.
Thanks, man. Fair warning though, was the first book I worked on so it's pretty rough around the edges. If you can see past that though you should hopefully have a good time.
oh my god its neil cicirega
"Nanobots, son! They harden in response to your SHITTY POSTS"
Kirby got new dentures, and he would appreciate it if you noticed
Yes, it was YOU. Ah, what can I even say. Beautiful, simply exquisite! The colors give off a great balance of mystery and boldness! The lighting captures the depth perfectly! The proportions couldn't possibly be better! And that background! I thought that was either a 3D model or a stock image! Wonderful wonderful wonderful!
I have to thank you for having done a great job with the design of your character, I really loved having been able to draw it.
Admittedly, it's strange seeing a prim and properly designed plague doctor in any setting that isn't a dark and dying medieval England. Odd
Dude looks like he'd be part of the Powdered Toast Man cinematic universe
Amendment 2.5: The right to bare ears
I've never played it, but I'd love to Fcuk around. Likely followed by Fniding out
Get holly
get jolly
get run over by a trolley
Living-Dead Migraine
Joined on 11/19/20