Good colors as usual, but the entire form looks kind of off. The arrow, for example, doesn't seem like it's being held at all.
Good colors as usual, but the entire form looks kind of off. The arrow, for example, doesn't seem like it's being held at all.
Oh! It seems like I forgot the to erase part of the bow's lines ;v;
Mimic feet. That's a whooooooole new can of worms
a can of worms i'd love to eat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'll take "Drawing Cocks" for 500, Alex
This looks great, until something unprecedented causes that ledge to fall and everything's screwed
hahaha i guess you want to avoid living there after all
Lovely hatching, as usual. This is why the White Defender is worth suffering through. Maybe.
Thanks, :D!!
I will draw the white defender someday.
POV: You were eaten last week, and are finally free
Hand over your pun license. I mean it!
I don't have it anymore, because it expiered some time ago D:
Another addition to the roster I see. I like the idea and I'm interested to see what will play out between Cucu and his pain-in-the-ass son
Because "Guardian of the Pumpkins" is totally an easy title to live up to and not stressful at all.
Chapter? As in comic? Well well, color me grey AND interested
I’m still roughly sketching out the first chapter for the comic. But yeah this scene comes in the later chapters.
haha excellent!
Get holly
get jolly
get run over by a trolley
Living-Dead Migraine
Joined on 11/19/20