I've always enjoyed the old-timey palletes comprised of colors you would never dream work together
Small suggestion; If the movement in the gif is as minimal as a single blink, just upload a still image, since a gif can't be enlargened on viewing
I've always enjoyed the old-timey palletes comprised of colors you would never dream work together
Small suggestion; If the movement in the gif is as minimal as a single blink, just upload a still image, since a gif can't be enlargened on viewing
Thank you! I'll keep that in mind!
Seems like the story jumped ahead a bit. Did I miss anything?
I think you missed the fight scene with Tommy and jebediah. Here’s the webtoon link if you wanna catch up with the comic. https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/urban-demonz/list?title_no=654259
They really sent normal NEOs against that thing as an "experiment"
it's okay, they're plentiful and disposable. Also, these NEOs volunteered thinking they were just capturing a "crab".
Imagine being cursed to spend eternity as a cycloptic hat with no eyelid
in this case its the other way around ohohoho
edit: disregard what I said I misread it 'spend eternity WITH a hat'
The light fades out a little too quick at the top, but it looks good otherwise. I absolutely love Dread's philosophy of
"Sure, you can play the entire game via the demo...IF you can do it without saving!"
Yeah maybe I shouldn't have confined it to being a 1 second loop, since the other frames are animated on twos but the last two are on ones. Thanks for pointing that out!
Also I didn't know about that about the demo! Then again, I did buy the game without trying it out first. XD
Great Godzilla! That's a damn neat monster, mate, but nothing is worth reading that much text for
That's a lot of detail on the hands and neck to have a head that's just a circle
It do be like that 😆
Yes, that's all well and good, but if he's Dragon Husband then who's Dragon Wife?
His wife likes to take some time to get ready, she'll be there for the next photoshoot ;p
You're not about to tell us that every Jouste character is just a Boone clone who's modified themselves so heavily they no longer resemble Boone, are you?
whoah that would be absolutely crazy! thanks for the high score and comment pal!
I just realized that, save for Deimos, the Madness crew isn't even there. I guess the 1337 had big plans for New Years, too...
It was a real shame that Hank and Sanford had to leave the party early. Those pesky agents are always up to something!
Get holly
get jolly
get run over by a trolley
Living-Dead Migraine
Joined on 11/19/20