This is the thing Energizer keeps in their lab
This is the thing Energizer keeps in their lab
Yes, the art for this game has improved greatly from its origin. I'm getting excited for the final product
Skeleton running off to finish the rest of his Human costume
Oh man, Legitimate Research has really upped their dress code
Mimic abuse
Not just female Ice King. That's what was so great about the Fiona and Cake segments. Keep the legacy alive!
I hope that every time Adina is drawn, her torso strays slightly farther away from her waist
Looking like a walking mound of steel and pain. I like that you managed to keep a cartoonish air about this design while also making it an appropriately complicated machine. Colors are nice and regal, too.
Is she wearing a single ankle warmer?
I've convinced myself that the the lower body and upper body are two separate people
That would be interesting
Get holly
get jolly
get run over by a trolley
Living-Dead Migraine
Joined on 11/19/20