Truly, the progression of Finn's swords was one of the most interesting things to observe throughout the show
Truly, the progression of Finn's swords was one of the most interesting things to observe throughout the show
I like the story told by the all-patches cloak and the dagger still held by a hand. The fact that he's dead helps too
That is some fantasical background work.
Let's see; Bottom right is either Rod Sterling or JFK, and that bird top left is from "Double King"
I remember the TWEWY demo, and Shoka definitely earned a fanart from that alone.
Quite cool, just like last time. I will never get over the name BOrf.
I can't tell what sort of material makes up his outermost layer, and that concerns me. Good piece
The only thing LISA ever fought was the degrading mental state of a Spelunky player
"Good thing I brought my Smart Sword!"
Oh ho! That's some nice perspective work. Looks very rugged
Get holly
get jolly
get run over by a trolley
Living-Dead Migraine
Joined on 11/19/20