What is it with monkeys and their great big grins? Are they up to something I'm not aware of?
What is it with monkeys and their great big grins? Are they up to something I'm not aware of?
As it stands, specimens "Sea Unicorn" and "Seahorse" have far less in common than the unacquainted layman might assume
Instructions unclear; I have been playing 'Cars 2' non-stop for two days
I'm not paying for a second drink if she knocks this one off the table
Inside every silly guy is an even sillier wacky guy, just itching to cause some bizarre chicanery
This is a certified Kirby's Dreamland 2 moment
She's got those "man-eater" eyes. In both senses of the phrase.
Hank J. Wimbleton and his collection of comically-small 'Madness Combat' figurines
Wait, hold on, I think my Joke Folder has notes on images like this...
it's right over...hang on...ah! Yes, here it is; *ahem*
Reasons Dualies are Objectively the Best Weapon:
- I feel really cool using them
Get holly
get jolly
get run over by a trolley
Living-Dead Migraine
Joined on 11/19/20