You've heard of the Turn of the Century, now presenting the Turn Off of the Century
You've heard of the Turn of the Century, now presenting the Turn Off of the Century
Voca has to be by far the least tomboyish tomboy in recent memory
Man, why do they bother with themes anymore. Great Drupe, of course, love Drupe.
Artfight 2023: Edward vs Jacob
The question is, would this be a blunt-rotation worth attending?
McDeath (I'm lovin' it)
I sure am glad that's an interdimensional horror invading our reality through a portal so that I don't have to consider the alternative
I crave Dave
The extreme shading and color contrast on his face is enchanting. Makes everything look so shapely
Thank you!
Puts the teeny in martini. Can't believe it's Artfight again already, though a shame the theme's not great this year
Just when you thought the souls couldn't get any darker...
Get holly
get jolly
get run over by a trolley
Living-Dead Migraine
Joined on 11/19/20