You know what they say: The hardest part of the day is wah-king up. And, for the record, Wario is eyeing that coin like he just found it in his coffee.
You know what they say: The hardest part of the day is wah-king up. And, for the record, Wario is eyeing that coin like he just found it in his coffee.
It costs four hundred thousand dollars to draw this character, for twelve. Seconds.
Very nice shading and coloring. Just that the sword doesn't quite fit her simple design.
What do you mean Santa's not real? He's right there on the left!
Lines sharp as a knife, and the colors are just right. I can only imagine where he's off to with that thing.
The comic book aesthetic and blackshade really add to the intensity. I can practically hear the boss music.
You did a great job with the "Pseudo-3D" effect. There are a few visual kinks here and there, but a great painting in all.
He looks very worked up over that one single monster. The energy is a bit off because of the emptiness, but it looks pretty good.
How cheerful. A lovely little portrait that does not in any way shape or form, remind me of Satina.
My highest compliments to whoever strung those lights for the maximum effort.
Get holly
get jolly
get run over by a trolley
Living-Dead Migraine
Joined on 11/19/20