That's what she said (before she put a bullet into the back of my skull)
That's what she said (before she put a bullet into the back of my skull)
The shade and lighting really make this painting come together. I can guess Fuzz is going to be quite pleased
thanks! they liked it :)
Just another one of [those] days in the Underworld, eh?
Making good use of the bold outline style. I have no clue what sort of creature he is, but I think I prefer to keep it that way
Uncertainty is what gives life its zest. After the last year, however, I could go for something more bland...
The red recoloring makes this seem like a comic in which things go horribly wrong. Go horribly wrong? That sounds familiar...
Well, at least drawn characters can celebrate to their hearts' content.
Happy new year, Toastie & co!
Get holly
get jolly
get run over by a trolley
Living-Dead Migraine
Joined on 11/19/20