Soft colors, good form, nice lighting; the whole deal. What I really came here to say is that the "vampire" vibe here is overwhelming
Soft colors, good form, nice lighting; the whole deal. What I really came here to say is that the "vampire" vibe here is overwhelming
Wonder who knighted HIM
I have no clue what I'm looking at, but it's very well done and screams "Promotional poster"
I have many questions regarding that cigarette
The pure paint really makes the lighting pop. The scratches, too, add a nice rough touch
Scrapped because, clearly, that is a yeti
It's reached the point where I can look at a thumbnail of yours and say "Yep; that's Grimsworth's"
This fleshy abomination doesn't disappoint. Is that streak effect what people keep calling 'drip'?
Thank you so much! Yeah, that "drip" is probably what all the cool kids are referencing these days.
My my. The stark shapes compliment the lanky figure seamlessly, tied up nicely by the smug sideways glance of someone sitting within a lovely violet Abyss
At what point to these thunderous swords become unusable
Get holly
get jolly
get run over by a trolley
Living-Dead Migraine
Joined on 11/19/20