Stylish, as usual. SS is better with you in it, Jo. Merry Crosscriss
Stylish, as usual. SS is better with you in it, Jo. Merry Crosscriss
Thanks!!, I also checked the drawing you made of SS. I need to say that I really liked what you did.
rated M for Mechanical
Thank you for being brave enough to give her a proper nose
Black is the color of all things overbaked. This makes Shadow comparable to a sort of crisp rat
What was it they said correlated to shoe size...? Damn, can't remember
So this is that "hot mouth" I've heard so much about kissing?
I rest easy knowing God hates this cat-thing
We as a species really invented the greatest fastener ever and then did virtually nothing with it, huh?
"If tricking is sure to result in treats, then you must TRICK! Sun Boo said that, and I'd say he knows a lit-tle more about Halloween than you do, pal, because HE INVENTED IT"
"From the moment I understood the weakness of my pumpkin, it disgusted me"
Get holly
get jolly
get run over by a trolley
Living-Dead Migraine
Joined on 11/19/20