This will definitely be Forknife in 2006
This will definitely be Forknife in 2006
Thank you for gifting this to those of us who can't rotate a Sunflora in our heads.
Clam Knight is truly the 'Shark Souls' of GameClam titles
hey, even Brine Eternal can turn on the GameClam, it's an amazing machine!
A shame about the texturing. I feel like he would look really good as a felt puppet
I do think the scene is gorgeously eerie, but I gotta say that nose is JARRING
Very nice. It could benefit from some more movement after the transformation is done, but otherwise very smooth
She could cosplay Fancy Pants Man
Man, how the hell do they go up stairs
It's always interesting to see how people interpret his funny appendages. Absolute BANGER of a theme, too
ZAMN!! What an iconic figure!
Get holly
get jolly
get run over by a trolley
Living-Dead Migraine
Joined on 11/19/20