Not only a shitpost, but the entire shitfence. Which is fortunate, since you all need to be contained
Not only a shitpost, but the entire shitfence. Which is fortunate, since you all need to be contained
That was our job
We should build the whole shithouse next time.
Papa Keith is back to deliver us les biens. Merci, monseigneur
The only abstinence Zone will ever show is in posting
Sandsational. The humor was a little dry though
This really unders my tale
Dedede Cummin at Ya
I don't know why you bothered leaving in the other two minutes of film. Nothing could possibly go as hard as an intro featuring THE Carl friggin' Brutananadilewski
First time seeing one of your videos (despite your supposed popularity in certain circles) and I mean it as nothing but a compliment when I say that this is voicework and mixing that belongs in a far better production
"certain circles" mweheehee~
Thank you so much! I couldn't do it without the help of LavenderVA and Senbeats.. I can't wait to make more!!!
Thank you!! That means so much 💜
Son, this looks gay as hell. Good. But gay as hell. but good.
Not bad. There's a clear and interesting vision here, and I'd enjoy seeing it realized further in the future. Though maybe cut down on the dialogue and the overall "anime-ness"
Ohh! Thanks! I gotta' take notes for next animations, I appreciate the feedback!
Get holly
get jolly
get run over by a trolley
Living-Dead Migraine
Joined on 11/19/20