Throg, his brother Croakie, and their father, Toadin the All-Frogger
Throg, his brother Croakie, and their father, Toadin the All-Frogger
Thank goodness everyone finally knows anchors are a type of weapon.
D3mon cl0vvn 1n da b@thro0m, hi5 4m8it1ons R 0f {unimaginable} h0rrror
The hell is going on in panel 3?
A war crime
You didn't want to make the canvas smaller? He looks so alone
I'm detecting a slight thematic shift.
Good and scary all around, if a little uninspired
Do you kiss your sword-mother with that mouth?
Is Maverick's only distinguishing feature a hip pouch?
He's bulkier than the rest (hard to tell with the style I used), has the hip and arm pouches, and only one stripe on his shoulders. There's also pockets on his vest you can't see. Maverick's the least unique out of the characters because it seems the designer stayed pretty close to canon for designs (Aries deviates only slightly more, and the person has a small team of characters) and his was the last spot I filled because I had difficulty finding a leader-type character other than him and the opposing General.
Came out looking more like a sand-borne galleon, given the shape. Regardless, more people need to start drawing inspiration from terrifying industrial machines
Ya I definitely took some inspiration from some boats for the top half. Derelict / defunct machines are fun subjects for inspiration.
This digi-clay artstyle is addictive, and it suits (ha) Samus especially well. Try choosing more realistic characters to adapt for future pieces
Get holly
get jolly
get run over by a trolley
Living-Dead Migraine
Joined on 11/19/20