The fire's quite good, but I'm focused more on that form! Those proportions! Man, is it hot in here or is it just him?
The fire's quite good, but I'm focused more on that form! Those proportions! Man, is it hot in here or is it just him?
Maybe it's both XD
I like the simplification. Very solid shapes
Thanks man!
It aint a skill you lose easily. Nice work with Blue's feet
Why thank you! 😅
'-tober' this and '-tober' that! Why can't we have any '-uary's??
That sword is going to snap like a toothpick
Next thing you know it breaks into a million pieces in the second fight
I will poach her and use the tail as a beanbag-esque seat
I mean, her tail is fluffy er hahaaa- 😅
It might be hard to cover one's eyes with such great shackles...
He's got no choice but to overcome his shyness
Thanks, son.
This is great, really, and the texturing and details make the piece, but I just have to say Hollow Knight.
Thank ya X)
Get holly
get jolly
get run over by a trolley
Living-Dead Migraine
Joined on 11/19/20